POY Latam supports the Ibero-American community of visual journalists by producing its photography, multimedia and photographic book contests every other year. Since the beginning of POY Latam in 2011, the contests have created an international stage for the region’s best work and have helped to connect journalists with top media outlets.
You are Important to POY Latam’s Future
POY Latam’s mission is to provide a world-class contest for Ibero-American visual journalists without charging any entry fees. Dozens of very talented and dedicated people from around the world have donated their time and expertise to the contests while foundations, private entities and governments have contributed money and in-kind services to make POY Latam possible. Outside financial support is critical to the continuing success of POY Latam.
Sponsorship Benefits
We regard everyone associated with the contests as part of the POY Latam team. Team members are listed in everything that we do, the POY Latam website, poylatam.org, brochures, interviews and all other promotional material. We approach every contest as a collaborative effort for the benefit of Ibero-American visual journalists. You absolutely can make a difference.