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Take part in the first edition of Pictures of The Year Latam for amateur photographers!

What should you do?

Login to your Instagram and follow us!

Post in your account one or more images (up to 5 photos on a single carousel) to participate in any of these categories:

Patients: #SaludSinPausaPacientes

Caregivers: #SaludSinPausaCuidadores

Mental Health: #SaludMentalSinPausa

In the description/caption, briefly explain what is happening in the photo, tag @poy_latam and add the hashtag for your category. Remember that the categories “patients” and “caregivers” are for diseases other than Covid!

Win $1,000 per category!

Upload your photos until January 31st, 2021


Use only the hashtag for the correct category:

01 Patients: A photograph that captures the experience of patients dealing with diseases other than COVID-19 in this time of pandemic. This category is focused on portraying patients around Latin America who suffer from diseases such as cancer, pulmonary arterial hypertension, multiple myeloma, psoriasis among many others and who have seen the world come to a halt, but their diseases have not. Respect for the dignity of the subject is essential.

Hashtag #SaludSinPausaPacientes

02 Caregivers: A photograph that captures the passion and dedication that caregivers (doctors, nurses, health care providers, family and friends) have shown for their patients. This category is dedicated to those who do a quiet job caring for patients or loved ones and have not put a stop to their admirable work.

Hashtag #SaludSinPausaCuidadores

03 Mental Health: A picture that captures the importance of mental health in times of pandemic. This category seeks to show strategies that people are using to take care of their mental, physical, and emotional health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hashtag #SaludMentalSinPausa

Do you have everything?

Can I send photos of other subjects than those described in the categories?

No, these categories are only open to the topics explained in the categories. You can participate in the professional contest if you have other themes.

Can I enter photos of patients with diseases other than those listed in the categories?

Yes, they can go beyond the pathologies listed. We want these categories to highlight what this year has meant for patients other than those infected by COVID-19.

Can I send photos about COVID-19 patients?

No, these special categories seek to highlight what has happened to patients with other diseases and to caregivers who treat these diseases other than COVID-19. The mental health category seeks to show what people have done to maintain their mental health, and in this sense a wide variety of activities and situations from the confinement and the new normal can be shown.

On the other hand, there are many categories in the professional contest that are appropriate for submitting photos of any aspect of the pandemic, or any other topic.

How many photos can I post per category?

Up to a maximum of three individual photos per category.

Can I enter more than one category with different photos?

Yes, I can submit up to 3 different photos per category.

Can I enter more than one category with the same photo?

No, you can only upload the same photo once, in one category.

Can I participate in the amateur and professional categories?

If you are an amateur photographer you can participate in the professional competition, but you will be subject to the same requirements as professional photographers.

Professional photographers must participate exclusively in the competition aimed at professionals.

I am a freelance photographer, and my main source of income is not photography. Can I participate in the amateur competition?

Yes, you can. But remember that there is a greater variety of categories in the professional contest.

Can a photo collage or graphic design compete in this category?

No. We are looking for documentary photographs, that is, images that capture real moments. Posed or constructed photos will only be allowed if they are portraits. And in no case will collages or diptychs be allowed, except in the professional category Nuestra Mirada.

Can I send my photos by e-mail or by any other means?

No, in the amateur section of the competition you can only participate by means of © Instagram. The other sections have other rules.

Can I participate if I don’t have a professional camera?

No. This is a category for amateur or independent photographers. We are looking for quality photos that tell a story. However, the judges will not evaluate the photos according to the device, but by their content. You can use a camera or a cell phone.

Can I reflect people with mental health conditions?

Photos that reflect any illness other than COVID-19 may be entered.

Do I have to have my public Instagram account?

Yes, it has to be a public account.

Can I upload photos to other social networks?

Yes, your photos can be posted on other social networks. However, only photos that are published on Instagram will be entered into the contest.

When can I upload my photos to Instagram?

You can upload your photos from November 30th. Photos posted after January 2, 2021 will not be accepted.

Can I send to the contest a photo that I have already uploaded?

Yes, you can change the description and add “poy_latam” and our hashtag. This will allow this photo to participate in the competition.

Will there be prizes?

Yes, each category will have a winner. The prize per category is $1,000 US dollars.


A photograph that captures the experience of patients dealing with diseases other than COVID-19 in this time of pandemic. This category is focused on portraying patients around Latin America who suffer from diseases such as cancer, pulmonary arterial hypertension, multiple myeloma, psoriasis among many others and who have seen the world come to a halt, but their diseases have not. Respect for the dignity of the subject is essential.

Ella es una anciana que, como muchos otros, pide limosna en la 6ta avenida de la Ciudad de Guatemala. No supe su nombre, ella apenas escuchaba y abría sus ojos con dificultad, su piel era pálida y presentaba signos de desnutrición; estaba totalmente sola, quedándose dormida en su silla de ruedas. Padece del corazón y la presión, por lo que pude escuchar de vendedores ambulantes locales. Ella, como muchas otras personas de la tercera edad, han pasado muy mal el tiempo de pandemia, sus afecciones aumentan y con suerte consiguen el medicamento que necesitan; al punto de pasar hambre, sed y frío por unas cuantas monedas.

poy_latam #SaludSinPausaPacientes #guatemala #renunciaya #poylatam2021

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O reencontro e a mão que ampara.

Meu pai descobriu em 2020, o ano da pandemia de Covid-19, uma doença que causa insuficiência cardíaca e renal, a chamada Amiloidose AL. Definido o diagnóstico, começamos o tratamento, a quimioterapia. Mas a químio já encontrou um corpo enfraquecido e ele foi internado no CTI com pressão muito baixa. A internação prolongada em época de pandemia é um desafio de cuidado do outro e de si. E o CTI é um lugar de passagem, uma porta de entrada para outro plano onde vimos partir pacientes que estavam aparentemente melhores que meu pai.
Em determinado momento o médico falou para a família se preparar para o pior. Naquele dia, meu pai mal falava direito e estava no CTI há 15 dias. Avisamos meus tios e primos. No dia seguinte, apesar dos avisos de que o hospital estava limitando ao máximo as visitas por causa do coronavírus, desce da cidade vizinha o irmão mais novo, que não o via há alguns anos. Ele veio de longe para segurar a mão de seu irmão mais velho e dizer que ele ia sair dessa. Que ainda não era a hora de partir.

E meu pai saiu. Está em casa tratando da doença que o deixou 23 dias no CTI e mais de 40 hospitalizado.

Na foto o registro do reencontro e no ombro direito a mão que o amparou durante todo esse tempo, a da minha mãe. poy_latam


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Entre sessões de Hemodiálise, fisioterapia, acompanhamentos médicos... Uma rotina de desafios. Superá-los indicam a direção certa.
poy_latam #SaludSinPausaPacientes #portrait #retrato

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Paciente en recuperación después de ser intervenido quirúrgicamerte en un hospital de paso en la guajira.. labor realizada solo para gente de bajos recursos..niños con problemas de labio leporino. poy_latam

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Facundo fue trasplantado de médula ósea en julio de 2014, su vida hoy depende de los controles y la medicación que no puede abandonar. Con la pandemia los controles fueron espaciados y se hizo muy difícil conseguir la medicación.
Todo enfermo debe tener el acceso a la medicación en tiempo, las obras sociales y los gobiernos deben arbitrar los medios para facilitarlo. Conseguir recetas, llevarlas a farmacias y buscar medicación en medio de la pandemia es angustiante.
Los trasplantados son pacientes de riesgo al estar inmunosuprimidos por lo que se debe facilitar el acceso a los controles, estudios y medicación.

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A photograph that captures the passion and dedication that caregivers (doctors, nurses, health care providers, family and friends) have shown for their patients. This category is dedicated to those who do a quiet job caring for patients or loved ones and have not put a stop to their admirable work.

Sr. Serginho Flores de Santiago, Chile, paciente renal crônico durante a refeição do dia que mais gosta, a hora do lanche. Recebendo copo de café do seu filho Cristian, que é seu cuidador a 7 anos. Na mesa está apoiado seu inseparável radio de pilha, onde ele escuta principalmente aos campeonatos de futebol. Mesmo com diabetes e sem sua visão leva a vida com muita simpatia e amorosidade. Vivem num lugar muito bonito perto da natureza em Florianópolis, Brasil.
poy_latam #saludsinpausacuidadores
Concurso "Pictures of the Year Latam" - categoria: Fotografia Amadora e Independente

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#saludsinpausacuidadores #poylatam2021 #swpaportfolio #swpa ...

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A filha e mãe.
Quando os papéis trocam, a filha cuidando da sua mãe que agora precisa de cuidados constantes. Uma passeio faz bem para quem cuida e quem é cuidado! poy_latam #saludsinpausacuidadores

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A picture that captures the importance of mental health in times of pandemic. This category seeks to show strategies that people are using to take care of their mental, physical, and emotional health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sr. José, 62, vulgo "Paraíba", curti a neta Ísis acompanhado de sua fiel escudeira Sophia num longo Domingo de sol. Portador do "Tia Beti", como costuma chamar, tipo 2 descoberto aos 40, vem desde então com muita força e humor lutando contra esta doença diária, e agora com a pandemia de Covid19, o cuidado é ainda maior. poy_latam #SaludMentalSinPausa #portrait #retrato ...

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Durante los meses de cuarentena estricta Simón encontró un vecino de su edad con quien jugar online a través de la ventana.
poy_latam #SaludMentalSinPausa

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Todos pasamos la cuarentena a nuestra manera.
El adulto mayor es el más propenso al contagio del covid 19, psicologicamente afecta ya que las reuniones la caminada al parque como costumbre ya no se puede para esta población, sin embargo ellos tienen su forma de mitigar el encierro, los juegos de mesa como el parques reúne a unos amigos mayores con sus tapabocas se echan un partida olvidando por un momento que un enemigo los acechan. Medellin Colombia
#everydaylatinaamerica #documentaryphotography #documentary #colombia #medellin #covid_19 #covid19 #cuarentena

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